Dystopia is a chilling tale of supernatural powers unleashed by post-apocalyptic roleplay in the Swedish forests. For a group of thrill-seeking young Swedes, an abandoned Cold War-era factory deep in the wilderness seems the ideal setting for a live roleplay designed to push them to their physical and mental limits. But the game soon turns deadly serious when a series of mysterious events unfold, awakening dark forces in each of them...
Two young Finnish women in London are drawn inexorably together via the Studio - a clandestine group dedicated to bringing justice to those beyond the law. But, as their battle against exploitation, violence and corporate greed intensifies, will the Studio's ends continue to justify its means?
Based on the crime novels by Viveca Stens (which have not yet been translated from Swedish to English), The Sandhamn Murders centers on crimes committed on Sandhamn, a pictureque and idyllic island in the Stockholm archipelago. Each season is a story in three parts.