The show is based on the novel by Kate Collins. Abby Knight, a former lawyer turned flower shop owner, is starting over after the death of her husband with the support of her father and her daughter, who recently left for college. Life is good in the peaceful town of New Chapel, but when an SUV rams her prized vintage car, she's determined to track down the driver. She begrudgingly accepts the help of a new neighbor, the handsome and charming ex-Marine Marco Salvare. But their budding relationship is threatened when an acquaintance is murdered and Abby's good friend is the prime suspect - and it all links back to the hit and run. Caught up in a tangle of menacing phone calls, police corruption and murderous road rage, Abby must work against the clock to find the killer or the next flower arrangement might be for her own funeral.
After witnessing the destruction of the Earth from orbit, a group of astronauts is sent back in time and given 5 years to prevent the disaster from happening.
Canadian television drama that focused on professional and personal lives of the members of Toronto law firm. The show, set and often shot in downtown Toronto, dealt with Canadian issues that made it strikingly different from its counterparts. Filled with memorable characters and, at times, controversial storylines, the series ran for eight seasons and was one of the most successful Canadian productions.
In 2019, the iconic character-driven legal drama returns with both familiar faces and new characters, and a focus on how the law is practiced in Canada today, including contemporary themes and issues. Bringing Street Legal into the 21st century, we pick up 25 years later with Olivia Novak (Cynthia Dale), now a named partner at a major Bay Street law firm.