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Peyton's Places Season 1 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1The Hupmobile
2The Greatest Catch
3History of the QB
4The Draft
5The Evolution of the Wide Receiver
6Ray Lewis
7The Origins of Fantasy Football
8Da Bears
9The Lombardi Trophy
11Unbreakable Records
12The Birth of the Ball
13Blame General Custer for the Patriots Dynasty
14Brett Favre
15Two-Way Players
16The Death of the Fullback
17From Small Towns to Big Cities
18Fantastic Finishes
19Two Presidents & A Girl Named Heidi
20A Lot To Be Thankful For
21Are You Ready For Some Football?
22In Lombardi's Footsteps
23The Evolution of Coaching
24The Immaculate Reception
25Peyton’s Favorite Players
26Tom Brady
27Elvis Presley
28The Art of the Quarterback
29The Super Bowl
30The Final Destination