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PJ Masks Season 1 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Blame It on the Train, Owlette
2Catboy's Cloudy Crisis
3Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip
4Catboy and the Pogo Dozer
5Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos
6Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble
7Catboy and the Shrinker
8Owlette and the Moonball
9Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade
10Owlette the Winner
11Speak Up, Gekko!
12Catboy and Master Fang's Sword
13Catboy vs. Robo-Cat
14Owlette and the Giving Owl
15Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue
16Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus
17Looking After Gekko
18Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino
19Catboy's Tricky Ticket
20Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile
21Catboy's Flying Fiasco
22Gekko's Stay at Home Sneezes
23Gekko Saves Christmas
24Gekko's Nice Ice Plan
25Clumsy Catboy
26Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem
27Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage
28Owlette's Feathered Friend
29Owlette and the Battling Headquarters
30Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum
31Catboy Takes Control
32Owlette's Two Wrongs
33Gekko Floats
34Catboy's Two Wheeled Wonder
35Catboy's Great Gig
36Owlette's New Move
37Supersonic Owlette
38Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot
39Owlette of a Kind
40Beat the Drum, Catboy
41Catboy Squared
42Gekko's Super Gekko Sense
43Owlette and the Owletteenies
44Gekko's Blame Campaign
45Owlette and the Moonflower
46Slowpoke Gekko
47Catboy and the Lunar Dome
48Gekko and the Rock of All Power
49Super-Sized Gekko!
50Take to the Skies, Owlette
51Slow Down Catboy
52Gekko's Special Rock