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PJ Masks Season 5 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Ninja Power Up
2Luna Goes Too Far
3Owly Tricks
4Newton the Destructor
5Luna Kazoomer
6Baddie Bots
7Newton and the Animals
8Octobella Strikes Again
9Octobella on the Loose
10Teeny Weeny to the Rescue
11Invisible Munki-Gu
12Orticia Blooms
13Orticia and the Pumpkins
14Pirate Robot
16The Pirate Queen
17Catboy's Magic Trick
18Gekko the Croc
19The Camping Trip
20Pondweed Party
21A Percival Problem
22Luna Girl's Sleepover
23Dragon Dance
24An Yu and the Cave Stones
25Midnight Snack Attack
26Carla and Cartoka
27Voyage of the Golden Asteroid
28Night Ninja's School of Ninja Naughtiness
29The Jolly Ninjalino
30Luna's Mega Moth
31Captain Pirate Robot
32Night Ninja's School of Ninja Naughtiness
33The Jolly Ninjalino
34The Power of Mystery Mountain
35The Power of Mystery Mountain Part II
36Slow and Sneaky
37The PJ Riders Save the Day
38Moon Marooned
39Newton and the Star Splat
40Trick or Treat
41Heroes of the Road
42Newton's Discovery
43Romeo's Pirate Trap
44Luna's Moon Attack
45The Voyage of the Golden Asteroid