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Power (2014)
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Power (2014)

The show tells the story of James "Ghost" St. Patrick, a wealthy New York City nightclub owner who caters to the city's elite. He wants to build an empire, turn the club into a Fortune 500 business, but there's just one problem: Ghost is living a double life. When he is not in the club, he is the kingpin of the most lucrative drug network in New York for a very high-level clientele.

Show Info

Aired on:
Starz, US
60 min.
Created by:
4.46/5 (127 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Tommy Egan
as Angela Valdes
as Tasha St. Patrick
as James "Ghost" St. Patrick
as Cooper Saxe
as Tariq St. Patrick
as LaKeisha Grant
as Joe Proctor


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by posted
They just set up season three for a nice bit of chaos.
by posted
From today's episode, this show has some very funny moments...picture itself is not a spoiler, this bit is a spoiler though wakes up, falls onto a table, does a ton of drugs, yells at the dog...the guy is clearly at breaking point.

This whole scene is awesome :3
by posted
Awesome, I'll have someone to talk about it with then. It's got quite a few cheesy moments, like you'd expect from a gang/nightlife/drugs/big money lifestyle, but has enough effort from the cast and overall writing to make it worth watching.
by posted
It's definitely on my list but I'm currently working my way up my queue of shows. I'll most likely start the binge once this season ends.
by posted

The show tells the story of James "Ghost" St. Patrick, a wealthy New York City nightclub owner who caters to the city's elite. He wants to build an empire, turn the club into a Fortune 500 business, but there's just one problem: Ghost is living a double life. When he is not in the club, he is the kingpin of the most lucrative drug network in New York for a very high-level clientele.

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Anyone else watch this? The plot sounds worse than it actually plays out, and the acting is good.