It's been 30 years since Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. Now a new team has been assembled to restart the project in the hopes of understanding the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it.
Last episode proved this show's runners are more interested in sacrificing its legacy to score woke agenda points than investing in being a well-written, faithful continuation of the original.
Very, very preachy. I'm a big fan of the original but this is pretty awful.
by techyjack posted 2 years ago
Last episode proved this show's runners are more interested in sacrificing its legacy to score woke agenda points than investing in being a well-written, faithful continuation of the original.
by Daemonius posted 2 years ago
When I saw Robert Picardo in 1x11 I said to my wife, Hey it's Richard Woolsey from Stargate :D
But no, it was just Dr. Edwin Woolsey, I wonder if they are related...
by jolynana posted 2 years ago
the show improves from one episode to another
the peak was the episode with the ghost
the side plots makes it even better
by conmits posted 2 years ago
scushman said:
I loved it! I will keep watching it. I love the diversity in the show and that it is not a reboot but a continuation 30 years later.
There's that fucking "d" word again!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :(=( :mad:
by g371 posted 2 years ago
The first ep felt a boring version of Timeless. Will watch a couple more episodes.
Internal Syntax Error? Really? :D
by colinsp posted 2 years ago
Another one so boring not staying on my watchlist. I had hoped for something better.
by merc posted 2 years ago
Moze said:
I had to give up after 20 minutes. Garbage.
the original series was also garbage, someone thought, hey here is an idea to string together a collection of short stories . garbage in garbage out
by scushman posted 2 years ago
I loved it! I will keep watching it. I love the diversity in the show and that it is not a reboot but a continuation 30 years later.
Very, very preachy. I'm a big fan of the original but this is pretty awful.
But no, it was just Dr. Edwin Woolsey, I wonder if they are related...
the show improves from one episode to another
the peak was the episode with the ghost
the side plots makes it even better
There's that fucking "d" word again!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :(=( :mad:
Internal Syntax Error? Really? :D
the original series was also garbage, someone thought, hey here is an idea to string together a collection of short stories . garbage in garbage out