Ragnarok unfolds in the small fictional town of Edda in the middle of the vast and enthralling Norwegian countryside and is a modern day coming of age drama rooted in Norse mythology, set in a high school arena.
so there was a season 3 last year ( 2023). I dont remember being notified here? any one watch it?
There was a third and final season that had a series ending episode that was more insulting to the audience than the "it was only a dream" season of Dallas.
I have just finished the 3rd season. I never saw the Dallas "only a dream" so dont know if it was a cop out, but here I thought the resolution was a good one, he was living in an augmented ( rather than virtual or dream ) reality world due to losing Isolde & trouble with his girlfriend I assume. I dont see how any other soln would be satisying, leaving a non event final showdown a bit of a let down & lame. Atleast they went to a great deal of trouble in the last episode interspersing reality and fantasy. Of course there are lots of inconsistancys through out and I wonder whether this was planned all along, I doubt this is the first or last show where they change ideas half way through to get another season. I liked the way the Gothic giants house was transfomed into a normal mansion at the end
by bvereshagen posted 8 months ago
merc said:
so there was a season 3 last year ( 2023). I dont remember being notified here? any one watch it?
There was a third and final season that had a series ending episode that was more insulting to the audience than the "it was only a dream" season of Dallas.
by merc posted 8 months ago
so there was a season 3 last year ( 2023). I dont remember being notified here? any one watch it?
by merc posted 3 years ago
Tasviewer said:
I just watched the first episode of season 2, looks like it's going to be a good second season :)
I hope you are right. as I said before I felt that season 1 was a standalone series felt resolved in a good way. Some producers just see shows as money spinners and dont know when artistically its over eg the Arrowverse or some of the Marvel films. I find it hard to see how Ma giant can come back after being shamed or Pa giant survive Thors thunder bolt ( or even should). Any way great Nordic scenary
well I have now watched all 6 eps. It was better than I thought it going to be. The best bit was the last 10 mins or so of eps 6 which we had all been waiting for..... not this - oh by the way there was also a bit of god on giant sex as Thor does SaxaI still think it was add-on season due presumably to the unexpected success of season 1.
by Tasviewer posted 3 years ago
I just watched the first episode of season 2, looks like it's going to be a good second season :)
by merc posted 3 years ago
returning soon May 28th? One I am looking forward to.
by merc posted 4 years ago
and what will season 2 be? it seems that the story in that town is completed? nothing more to say? I wonder whether the bird flying at the end signaled a new place and presumably actors?
by smsk40 posted 4 years ago
Netflix has announced season 2 is coming
by kurschnextepisode posted 4 years ago
Man, by the end of Ep06 (actually sooner), I kept forgetting that I was reading subtitles and not actually hearing English. That's certainly a good sign of a quality story or production. Much like Money Heist - La Casa de Papel in Spanish, I could watch this for several seasons.
by lighton posted 4 years ago
Thanks, kurschnextepisode, for that good thread starter. :) I was curious how that show would be rated, will check it out some day!
There was a third and final season that had a series ending episode that was more insulting to the audience than the "it was only a dream" season of Dallas.
I have just finished the 3rd season. I never saw the Dallas "only a dream" so dont know if it was a cop out, but here I thought the resolution was a good one, he was living in an augmented ( rather than virtual or dream ) reality world due to losing Isolde & trouble with his girlfriend I assume. I dont see how any other soln would be satisying, leaving a non event final showdown a bit of a let down & lame. Atleast they went to a great deal of trouble in the last episode interspersing reality and fantasy. Of course there are lots of inconsistancys through out and I wonder whether this was planned all along, I doubt this is the first or last show where they change ideas half way through to get another season. I liked the way the Gothic giants house was transfomed into a normal mansion at the end
There was a third and final season that had a series ending episode that was more insulting to the audience than the "it was only a dream" season of Dallas.
I hope you are right. as I said before I felt that season 1 was a standalone series felt resolved in a good way. Some producers just see shows as money spinners and dont know when artistically its over eg the Arrowverse or some of the Marvel films. I find it hard to see how Ma giant can come back after being shamed or Pa giant survive Thors thunder bolt ( or even should). Any way great Nordic scenary
well I have now watched all 6 eps. It was better than I thought it going to be. The best bit was the last 10 mins or so of eps 6 which we had all been waiting for..... not this - oh by the way there was also a bit of god on giant sex as Thor does SaxaI still think it was add-on season due presumably to the unexpected success of season 1.
Also, https://forum.next-episode.net/viewtopic.php?id=9954 :) (Edit: nevermind, scorpius074 took care of it this time. :cool:)