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Ranma 1/2 Season 5 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Gimme That Pigtail
2When a Guy's Pride and Joy is Gone
3Ryoga's Proposal
4Genma Takes a Walk
5The Gentle Art of Martial Tea Ceremony
6And the Challenger is... A Girl?!
7Hot Springs Battle Royale!
8Me is Kuno's Daddy, Me is
9The Matriarch Takes a Stand
10A Leotard is a Girl's Burden
11The Mixed-Bath Horror!
12The Frogman's Curse!
13Revenge! Raging Okonomiyaki...!
14Ranma the Lady-Killer
15Shogi Showdown
16Sasuke's Mission: Improbable
17Bonjour, Furinkan!
18Dinner at Ringside!
19Swimming with Psychos
20Ryoga, Run Into the Sunset
21Into the Darkness
22Nabiki, Ranma's New Fiance!
23Case of the Missing Takoyaki!
24Ranma Versus Shadow Ranma!