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Rise of the Empress
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Rise of the Empress

A fantastical ancient Asian Empire is on the verge of destruction, torn apart by insidious rivalry. The only hope: a marriage between the handsome Heir to the Throne and a Princess from one of its feuding Kingdoms. As the competition to win the Prince's hand heats up, chaos reigns when a dazzling peasant girl named Xifeng is thrown into the romance wars by a vengeful sorceress. In this fairytale of love and power, will Xifeng be able to save not only herself...but the whole Empire?

Rise of the Empress Next Episode

Sorry, no info about the next episode of Rise of the Empress is available yet.

The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.

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Streams on:
Prime Video, US at 3:00 am
In Development
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