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The show is based in New York City and revolves around a conspiracy at a government intelligence agency. James Badge Dale and Miranda Richardson star.

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Aired on:
60 min.
Created by:
3.9/5 (20 ratings)
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as Will Travers
as Maggie Young
as Tanya MacGaffin
as Miles Fiedler
as Kale Ingram
as Katherine Rhumor


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by posted
marco1475 said:
You mean 14 episodes?

Yes, of course. It's been some time since I watched it the last time, I even forgot how many episodes we got :/
A good rewatch is always good :D And thanks for the music samples.
by posted
Orlando said:
You mean 14 episodes?

Yes, of course. It's been some time since I watched it the last time, I even forgot how many episodes we got :/

Orlando said:
I really like the piano theme. (In the second episode it is from 21:09 to 22:24).

Guess what I found? Rubicon Theme Music, Rubicon Music Sample 1, Rubicon Music Sample 2, Rubicon Music Sample 3. They are unfortunately just sound-captures from the episodes, so you get the sound effects too, but they are captures from the quieter parts of an already very quiet show so it's not too bad ...
by posted
marco1475 said:
we have gotten what is in our eyes 11 almost-perfect TV episodes. We love the characters as presented to us in those 11 episodes

You mean 14 episodes?
by posted
NickUK said:
Firefly was FOX's fault through and through, try watching it in the order it was broadcast and imagine you know nothing about it, it starts with 'out of gas' which if you know nothing about the characters makes no sense at all.

Well, maybe. But over the years I came to two realizations about Firefly:

1) Even if it had been allowed to continue on (or were broadcast in the correct order) it wouldn't have been (ratings) successful. It was mixing two niche genres (sci-fi and western) and it even managed to scare off some fans of each genre, so it would have been doomed anyways.

2) If it had been allowed to continue on, it would not be revered the way it is now. Whether this is objectively true or false, we have gotten what is in our eyes 11 almost-perfect TV episodes. We love the characters as presented to us in those 11 episodes and any additional characterization (character development, mental or physical changes) would only lessen their appeal. (See Serenity and some of the fan backlash to that.) Simply put, had Firefly been allowed to continue it would have been just another good, but ultimately forgotten sci-fi romp. We tend to love and idolize things we can't have or have little of, which is exactly the case of Firefly.

Now to bring this lumbering beast of a post back on track: While it is true that FOX screwed the pooch with the out-of-order airing of Firefly's episodes (and luckily they've learned from it and don't do it (as much) anymore) I don't believe that was the sole reason for the show's demise and posit that even in order (and not on Fridays) the show would have been cancelled due to lack of ratings, because the TV watching public simply doesn't care for quality scripted entertainment.
by posted
NickUK said:
......I'm through blaming the TV networks and I squarely place the blame for Firefly.....

Although i agree with you in the most part, Firefly was FOX's fault through and through, try watching it in the order it was broadcast and imagine you know nothing about it, it starts with 'out of gas' which if you know nothing about the characters makes no sense at all. I tried watching it in broadcast order once makes no sense even if you have seen them all 100 times I can only imagine what people thought when it was broadcast.
+ premiere on Friday.
by posted
marco1475 said:
......I'm through blaming the TV networks and I squarely place the blame for Firefly.....

Although i agree with you in the most part, Firefly was FOX's fault through and through, try watching it in the order it was broadcast and imagine you know nothing about it, it starts with 'out of gas' which if you know nothing about the characters makes no sense at all. I tried watching it in broadcast order once makes no sense even if you have seen them all 100 times I can only imagine what people thought when it was broadcast.
by posted
Sigh. Another great show bites the dust. Sometimes I really wonder about what people are watching. I'm through blaming the TV networks and I squarely place the blame for Firefly, Wonderfalls, Veronica Mars, Terriers, Rubicon, etc. on the American TV viewing public. They are all fucking morons. 'nuff said.
by posted
stjock said:
Ok. Too bad its been cancelled. I've watched 6 episodes of this show, i like it, but is there any point in watching the rest of the season, now that it's been cancelled? I've tried to keep away from spoilers, so do we get any answers, or is everything just blurry after the 13 episodes?

Go ahead and watch it! The story and plot is pretty much explained in episode 12 and the finale (ep 13) is the aftermath with a small cliffhanger which coul lead to a new great season two. But since it's cancelled we wont see how the story goes on, but the main plot of the season is finished.
by posted
Ok. Too bad its been cancelled. I've watched 6 episodes of this show, i like it, but is there any point in watching the rest of the season, now that it's been cancelled? I've tried to keep away from spoilers, so do we get any answers, or is everything just blurry after the 13 episodes?
by posted
Ah well - I never expected it to be back - especially after the renewal of TWD :P