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Sexy Murder
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Sexy Murder

'Televisionary' and 'Truth Crusader' Christoph Spinelli has come to the UK to do for British Crime what he's done for America - speculate to the point of insanity and manage to make a story out of absolutely nothing.

In search of a miscarriage of justice to defend, Spinelli's documentary investigates the mysterious disappearance of Polly Worcester and her would-be attacker, Tom Jessop, with all the objectivity, truth and (most importantly) sexiness you would expect.

Unfortunately for Tom, Spinelli is the last person you would want on your side...

Sexy Murder Next Episode

Sorry, no info about the next episode of Sexy Murder is available yet.

The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.

Show Info

Airs on:
30 min.
In Development
More Info:
Official | IMDb | TheTVDB



Episodes Guide and Summaries


as Christoph Spinetti
as Tom Jessop
as Susan Jessop
as Brian Jessop


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