Follows the story of a group of British intelligence agents who serve in a dumping ground department of MI5 called Slough House after the big mistakes they've made that resulted to the end of their mainstream careers.
That guy trying to pick up his flight fund in his office... Damn, that interaction with the bad guy looked painful.
by TheFizza posted 1 week ago
I just picked up the first book... I'm excited. I've been loving this series!
by lighton posted 2 weeks ago
For me, the main issue is the old guy's illness. Yes, it's related to the plot, but I feel it's getting too much airtime. I'd rather see more story progression.
by merc posted 2 weeks ago
Am I the only one who thinks season 4 so far a bit too obscure and the infighting of first and second desk is it silly?
by merc posted 3 weeks ago
the show would be better with "smelly vision"
by graybags posted 3 weeks ago
fassy said:
First episode for season 4 and things are already interesting. And there was also shocking event.
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)
tbh, the first two episodes were rather weak...
I enjoyed them. Still one of the best shows on TV in my recent memory.
by fassy posted 3 weeks ago
lighton said:
First episode for season 4 and things are already interesting. And there was also shocking event.
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)
tbh, the first two episodes were rather weak...
by lighton posted 4 weeks ago
sasilik said:
First episode for season 4 and things are already interesting. And there was also shocking event.
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)
That guy trying to pick up his flight fund in his office... Damn, that interaction with the bad guy looked painful.
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)
tbh, the first two episodes were rather weak...
I enjoyed them. Still one of the best shows on TV in my recent memory.
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)
tbh, the first two episodes were rather weak...
It pulled me in less than I had expected, but it's an interesting start for a new - and too short! - season. :)