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Storage Wars Season 13 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Santanas Are Coming to Town
2Bits and Pizzas
3Let's Make a Dill!
4Mirro, Mirro, on the Floor
5Rules #1
7Game of Groans: Whittier is Coming
8Breaking Bread
9Dr. D and the Mystery Machines
10A Plane Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
11Older and Weiss-er
12Let My Lockers Go
13Fears of a Clown
14Stanton and Redeliver
15The Old Man and the Spree
16She Bidded Me with Science!
17Not So Easy Rider
18An Austrian in Perris
19Pretty Fly...For a Locker!
20High Tea and Boxed Whine
21Miss Direction...If You're Nasty
22She Sure Has a Type
23The Devil Buys Used Prada
24Cash is King
25Spidey Cents
26Another One Bites the Dusty
27Come and Knock on Our Locker
28Nothing is Impossible
29Karma is a Bid
30In Dusty We Trusty
31The Hunch-Back of La Habra
32The 300th Time's the Charm!
SpecialWelcome Back Barry: Revital-Weissed