Set in a mildly apocalyptic near-future, Teenage Euthanasia centers around the Fantasy Family and their inland Florida funeral home, Tender Endings. The cast of characters include recently undead Trophy Fantasy, her teenage daughter, Euthanasia "Annie" Fantasy, Annie's Oedipus-complex-stricken Uncle Pete and Annie's "old country" immigrant grandmother Baba. As a teen mom, Trophy ran away from home, leaving Annie behind to be raised by her Baba and Uncle Pete. Fifteen years later, Trophy finally returns to Tender a corpse, for burial. But when a bolt of lightning strikes Baba's homemade embalming fluid, and one of Annie's tears magically bring Trophy back from the dead, Trophy finds herself a resurrected woman with a second chance at unplanned parenthood (and a variety of quasi-useful death powers).
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Teenage Euthanasia is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.