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Terra Nova
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Terra Nova

In the year 2149 the planet earth is a mess, most of the plant and animal life has become extinct. Scientists can't reverse the damage but find a way to travel back to prehistoric times to save the human race.

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60 min.
3.88/5 (78 ratings)
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Key Features and Themes

dystopiantime travelprehistoric eracolonyfamily dynamicssurvivalnew worldmysterious secretshumanityearth's future


as Skye Alexandria Tate
as James "Jim" Shannon
as Dr. Elisabeth Shannon
as Josh Shannon
as Maddy Shannon
as Zoe Shannon
as Commander Nathaniel Taylor
as Dr. Malcolm Wallace


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by posted
I didn't hate this show enough to stop watching, but didn't like it enough to actually enjoy it.. I'm almost relieved this show has finally been cancelled...
by posted
not hugely disapointed with that
by posted
I know people love to bash the Americans for their shitty taste in TV-shows but this argument is not valid with this show. Instead you can replace Americans with us Finns as the show was a massive hit here. It was the most succesful foreign TV-show in 4 years if I remember correctly. Not proud to be a Finn atm :D
by posted
Good Riddance! This could help Fringe and if not at least this crap won't fill a slot next season.
by posted
The show certainly deserved a cancellation... now if only the TNT Network viewers would come to their senses and stop watching Falling Skies... it would make my day. :)

I'm curious about new FOX dramas next year, though. Hopefully they won't leave the sci-fi genre for good.
by posted

i'm not sad but not happy either. I diden't hate the show but sometimes it was a bit too much family drama for my liking.

But i'll miss Maddy, she had something which made me giggle like a girl :D
by posted
by posted
I recently (well, yesterday and the day before) watched Terra Nova Season 1, and I'm actually... moderately impressed...

I know my original argument for not watching the show was pretty much ;

"You cant go back in time, change your past to avoid your present without negating the need to go back in the first place, so if you didn't need to go back, you wouldn't have sent yourself back, thus not changed anything."

But, the alternate time-stream explanation settles that problem with time-travel, Terra Nova has officially re-entered my watchlist for this reason, I like answers this is the first and hopefully not the last in the show :)

Yeah, it has its flaws, what show doesn't? the Badlands (Bermuda Triangle Exit point?) was a little annoying, but also possibly explainable as long as it is done in a correct manor not just "we cant explain it" now something like "The original crack in time spread to pre-existing weak points in the space/time continuum and if the conditions were right (wrong for the object/person) allowed things to slip through" would negate the whole Second portal annoyance. I can see coming.

But before I turn this into an unending rambling of how the show could be better/worse I'll just wait for season 2 and find out :)
by posted
"Terra Nova:" To be or not to be? I'd bet on the "to be" right now, given Fox Entertainment chief Kevin Reilly's comments at TCA Sunday.

It's "hunting" creatively, he said. Interesting choice of words, and certainly superior to "hurting creatively."

But here's the key kicker: It's made money for Fox, thanks to overseas deals. And I can assure you, that then when a show "is making money" for a network, the only goal left is to figure out how it can make more money.

"Terra Nova," in other words, is on the right side of the ledger. "Fringe," alas, is not. Wonderful as "Fringe" is, Reilly said it's losing a lot of money for the network. Those words alone mean we should all prepare ourselves for a two-hour finale this May.

It's not always easy to parse the meaning of network presidential statements at TCA tours -- so bound and determined are they to not make headlines but instead create an overall atmosphere of feel-good spin that nonetheless doesn't sound like feel-good spin. But reporters want to know about fates and fortunes; network chiefs don't want them to know about fates and fortunes. (Other than "Allen Gregory's" -- gone forever, confirmed Reilly.)

But Reilly's musings on "Terra Nova" were also made for the benefit of the show-runners, and all the people they need to hire, or keep on the payroll, if this major undertaking is to continue. And everything he said Sunday -- at least what I can glean from published comments -- says there is a future next fall for this worthy show. That's good news.
by posted
GodZionu said:
Season 2 of Star Trek: The Original Series is not very entertaining.

Just wait for next season. It begings with Spocks Brain. :D