The series follows the conversations between an unknown man who sits in the corner at the back of a diner and whomever comes to see him. The people that come to see him tell him their wishes. He gives them a task to complete and once they are done, they get their wish.
Sound a bit like "The Confessions" with JB, although there are many flashbacks :D
by Rwings posted 11 years ago
I just finished both seasons (only 10episodes of 22min length). The show is good and interesting, but very different than any show I've seen before. Even though the entire show is just a man in a booth talking to different people it's kind of compelling in the way your mind fills in the gaps of the off screen stuff.
The series follows the conversations between an unknown man who sits in the corner at the back of a diner and whomever comes to see him. The people that come to see him tell him their wishes. He gives them a task to complete and once they are done, they get their wish.
Must ... watch ... this ... show !!! :cool:
wtf - two seasons and canceled :o
The series follows the conversations between an unknown man who sits in the corner at the back of a diner and whomever comes to see him. The people that come to see him tell him their wishes. He gives them a task to complete and once they are done, they get their wish.
Side Note: The show is just two people talking in a booth, give the first two episodes a try.