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The Eleven
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The Eleven

The series is following investigators as they reexamine the murders of eleven teenage girls after discovering a confession letter from current inmate and convicted murderer Edward Harold Bell. Through their research and a series of exclusive videotaped interviews with Bell, investigators have pushed police to reopen the case of two of the victims. Throughout the 1970s, the cities in and around Galveston County, Texas were haunted by the brutal murders of eleven teenage girls. Journalist Lise Olsen and retired police detective Fred Paige are revisiting these cases after discovering a confession letter from inmate Edward Harold Bell, who is currently serving a 70-year sentence for an unrelated murder. In his chilling confession, Bell describes some of the girls' deaths in gruesome detail and refers to many of the victims by name. Yet in the investigators' exclusive face-to-face interviews with Bell, he denies the written confession, proving that linking him to the 45-year-old murders will be a formidable challenge. With a parole hearing for Bell looming this fall, Olsen and Paige must try to piece together evidence that demonstrates a definitive link between the convicted killer and girls he calls 'the eleven who went to heaven' before he has the possibility to walk free. In each one-hour episode, The Eleven will explore the girls' stories in depth in an attempt to discover a link to Bell. Through cinematic dramatizations as well as unprecedented access to interviews with friends, family, and witnesses, the limited series will attempt to solve the mystery behind 'the eleven' in order to try to find justice for the young women and closure for their families.

The Eleven Next Episode

Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Eleven is available yet.

The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.

Previous Episode

Final Toll
Thu Nov 16, 2017
6 (of 6 ordered)

Show Info

Airs on:
A&E, US at 10:00 pm
60 min.
On Hiatus
5/5 (1 rating)
More Info:
Official | IMDb | TVMaze


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