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The Expanse
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The Expanse

A thriller set two hundred years in the future, The Expanse follows the case of a missing young woman who brings a hardened detective and a rogue ship's captain together in a race across the solar system to expose the greatest conspiracy in human history. "The Expanse" is epic in scale and scope and promises to be Syfy's most ambitious series to date", said Syfy president Dave Howe.

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60 min.
4.58/5 (579 ratings)
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as James "Jim" Holden
as Naomi Nagata
as Amos Burton
as Chrisjen Avasarala
as Alex Kamal
as Roberta "Bobbie" Draper
as Camina Drummer
as Sadavir Errinwright
as Josephus "Joe" Aloisus Miller


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by posted
merc said:
So....its definitive? No more Expanse`?

Yeah, I think it has been clear for a year or so that this was the end but you're right that there was a small chance.

The last season seems to have been hurried esp the last few eps eg the martian colony on the other side.

dominar said:
Yes, although theyre saying to continue it in other forms/storylines

There's still the books... and as much as I love this show the books are better... no shade, just facts. :cool:
by posted
Yes, although theyre saying to continue it in other forms/storylines
by posted
Kanga said:
So....its definitive? No more Expanse`?

Yeah, I think it has been clear for a year or so that this was the end but you're right that there was a small chance.

The last season seems to have been hurried esp the last few eps eg the martian colony on the other side.
by posted
h3ctic said:
So....its definitive? No more Expanse`?

Yeah, I think it has been clear for a year or so that this was the end but you're right that there was a small chance.
by posted
So....its definitive? No more Expanse`?
by posted
g371 said:
In the last episode
imo it was one of the best space battles ever portrayed. These tactics are very similar to what would be used in case of a modern war fighting air-to-air and air-to-ground combo. Can look it up, it's a very interesting topic how radars are jammed and/or fooled, decoys launched, different kind of rockets fired with delays - similar as here they sent some decoy containers to draw fire, in 2022 war there also would be fired cheaper and slower rockets in big numbers, then a bit later more devastating and way more expensive ones - timed so that as ground defense is firing at decoys, real weapons join the party, slip through and take out ground forces etc.

It's cool that it was done in a realistic way, it felt realistic. The show had some great space battles! Of course I would have liked even more, but those are probably quite expensive to produce. :)
by posted
In the last episode
imo it was one of the best space battles ever portrayed. These tactics are very similar to what would be used in case of a modern war fighting air-to-air and air-to-ground combo. Can look it up, it's a very interesting topic how radars are jammed and/or fooled, decoys launched, different kind of rockets fired with delays - similar as here they sent some decoy containers to draw fire, in 2022 war there also would be fired cheaper and slower rockets in big numbers, then a bit later more devastating and way more expensive ones - timed so that as ground defense is firing at decoys, real weapons join the party, slip through and take out ground forces etc.
by posted
sasilik said:
Imo writers never knew themselves what proto-molecule is and what it does, it was one of the most entangled and less sense making stories ever, so maybe they took a pause of beating that dead horse until they finally come up with something :D At some point I even almost dropped this show because of that, so for me civil war works just fine.

Which writers? Book series is finished and they write there about proto-molecule and creators more. Specially in 9'th book. I am reading 9th right now and I really like books. It is quite good hard science fiction. Plus some political machinations and scheming. TV series was quite good adaption I just don't like that they killed Alex off. I had some kind of cognitive dissonance when watching this season the episodes where Rocinante fought Marco because in books the Alex was the pilot there and watching the fight scene I just wondered for a second - how the hell they can fight without him.

Did not knew it's based on books
by posted
by posted

- Naomi's last sim said that the railguns should only get about 20% of us.
- Those odds aren't terrible. A little worse than Russian Roulette.
- What's that, a casino game?
- Kinda.
