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The Fifth Estate Season 45 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Episode 1 - Targeted: Inside the Gun Lobby's Fight to Save Weapons in Canada
2Episode 2 - Is Murder in Your DNA?
3Episode 3 - When Terror Comes Home
4Episode 4 - The Forgotten: The Girls of Marian Hall speak
5Episode 5 - Havana Syndrome: Investigating what made the diplomats sick
6Episode 6 - The hood: Cops, gangs and a community in the crossfire
7Dear Mr. Bissonnette
8My father’s killer: Murder mystery on Cortes Island
9Wronged (Ashley Smith)
10Muskoka murders: Closing in on the killers
11Captive: Caitlan Coleman vs. Joshua Boyle
12The list: Unravelling church secrets
13Vintage Grapes: Revisiting a famous Don Cherry interview
14Hockey fight: Wives reveal the cost of concussions
15Sexism in science: The woman who pioneered giraffe research
16Passport babies: The growing shadow industry of birth tourism
17Confronting hate: How Antifa is tracking the extreme right
18The autopsy (part 1): What if justice got it wrong?
19The insider: Tales from inside Benny Hinn Ministries
20The autopsy (part 2): What did justice cover up?
21How Boeing crashed: The inside story of the 737 Max
22Runaway train: Investigating a fatal CP Rail crash
23Who are they? Reconstructing faces of the dead
24The priest’s confession: What the Catholic bishops knew
25John Connelly’s death: A family fights for answers