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The Jetsons Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Elroy Meets Orbitty
2Rosie Come Home
3Solar Snoops
4Judy's Birthday Surprise
6Family Fallout
7Instant Replay
8Fugitive Fleas
10One Strike, You're Out
11Mother's Day for Rosie
12S'No Relative
13Dance Time
14Judy Takes Off
15Winner Takes All
16The Mirrormorph
17The Cosmic Courtship of George and Jane
18High Moon
19Hi-Tech Wreck
20Little Bundle of Trouble
21Elroy in Wonderland
22The Swiss Family Jetson
23Rip-Off Rosie
24Fantasy Planet
25Space Bong
26Haunted Halloween
27Astro's Big Moment
28Jetson's Millions
29The Wrong Stuff
30The Vacation
31Team Spirit
32Future Tense
33Far-Out Father
34Dog Daze Afternoon
35Grandpa and the Galactic Goldigger
36Robot's Revenge
37To Tell the Truth
38Boy George
39Judy's Elopement
40The Century's Best
41A Jetson Christmas Carol