The Journalist is an adaptation of the hit movie of the same name, The Journalist, released theatrically in 2019 which was a huge hit with audiences garnering a great deal of attention by confronting Japanese political crimes and scandals of recent years. With its shocking tackling of societal taboos, thrilling developments, and stylish visuals, the film won awards in three major categories at the 43rd Japan Academy Awards, including Best Picture of the Year, as well as many other film awards.
In The Journalist, we welcome Ryoko Yonekura (Doctor X, Legal V) to play the protagonist Anna Matsuda, a Toto Newspaper reporter known as the 'maverick of news media', who strives to expose issues in modern Japanese society. Michihito Fujii(The Journalist(film), Day and Night ) is set to direct this new series.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Journalist (2022) is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.