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The Last Kingdom Cast

as Finan
as Brida
as Aldhelm
as Aethelflaed
as Father Pyrlig
as Edward
as Beocca
as Osferth
as King Alfred the Great
as Aethelhelm
as Aetholwold
as Aethelred
as Aethelstan
as Young Uhtred
as Aelflaed
as Stiorra
as Aelfwynn
as Aelfweard
as Ragnar the Younger
as Odda the Elder
as Leofric
as Wolland
as Eadgifu
as Eadgifu
as Sigefrid
as Bishop Erkenwald
as Eardwulf
as Rognvaldr
as Alferic
as Odda the Younger
as Dagfinn
as Bloodhair
as Wihtgar
as Father Benedict
as Bresal
as Burgred
as Constantin
as Domnal
as Mildrith
as King Hywel
as Cynlaef
as Ubba
as Guthred
as Rhodri
as Ingrith
as Queen Iseult
as Abbot Eadred
as Brother Trew
as Osbert
as Lord Uhtred
as Ingilmundr