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The Looney Tunes Show Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Bobcats on Three!
2You've Got Hate Mail
3Itsy Bitsy Gopher
4Rebel Without a Glove
5Semper Lie
6Father Figures
7Customer Service
8The Stud, the Nerd, the Average Joe and the Saint
9It's a Handbag
10A Christmas Carol
11We're in Big Truffle
12Dear John
13Daffy Duck Esquire
14Spread Those Wings and Fly
15The Black Widow
16Mrs. Porkbunny's
17Gribbler's Quest
18The Grand Old Duck of York
19Ridiculous Journey
20The Shell Game
21Year of the Duck
22Gossamer Is Awesomer
23Here Comes the Pig
24Mr. Weiner
25Best Friends Redux