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The Nature of Things Season 41 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Nuclear Dynamite
2Breath of Life
3Spare Parts
4Lost Worlds: Wild South America
5Lost Worlds: Wild South America: Monkey Jungles
6Lost Worlds: Wild South America: The Mighty Amazon
7Amanda's Choice/Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease
8The Secret Life of the Crash Test Dummy
11Lost Worlds: Wild South America: Penguin Shores
12Lost Worlds: Wild South America: Great Plains
13Coastal Forest / Salmon Forest
14Fish Farming / The Price of Salmon
15Surgeons of the Future
16Changing Ground / Maisin People In Papua New Guinea
17Worst Case Scenario
18Playing with poison: Toxic legacies
19Hospital at the End of the Earth
20Ah ... the Money, the Money, the Money: The Battle for Salt Spring
22Desert Virusunknown
23Amazon Jungleunknown