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The Next Prince
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The Next Prince

The nation of Emmaly is known for its abundance, both by land and water. Emmaly is ruled by a monarchy and is divided into five regions and leaders. According to royal law, each region must send an heir to compete in order to become a monarch. The winning heir's father becomes the new king of Emmaly.

This story follows the crown prince and heir Khanin of the Atsawathewathin royal family and his royal bodyguard Charan Phithakdheva, whose family has been the Atsawathewathin's royal guard for decades. Khanin lives far away from Emmaly and he doesn't care about seizing the throne. Charan, as the royal guard, has the duty to bring Khanin back to the country.

The Next Prince Next Episode

Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Next Prince is available yet.

The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.

Show Info

Airs on:
GMM One, Thailand at 4:00 pm EDT
In Development
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as Charan Phithakdheva
as Khanin Atsawathewathin


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