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The Originals
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The Originals

A spinoff of "The Vampire Diaries". The story will center around the original vampire family and stars Joseph Morgan as Klaus and Phoebe Tonkin.

Show Info

Aired on:
The CW, US
45 min.
Created by:
4.38/5 (251 ratings)
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Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson
as Marcel Gerard
as Elijah Mikaelson
as Hayley Marshall
as Davina Claire
as Hope Mikaelson
as Camille O'Connell
as Freya Mikaelson
as Vincent Griffith


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by posted
Something about the last episode was way off.

First thing was the Claus threatening his brother if he went after the wolf hybrid. When in the episode before he was saying all the nice words about family and blood how they always would be there for each other.

Not to mention the sudden lust for wanting the alpha wolf dead, I thought the whole point of the 1v1 fight was to show Claus to accept the new alpha in his way. This wanting him dead just seems way too forced, there are other ways to make Claus a douche again if that's the goal.

meh, and the gay drama.... why must every series now days have this? I get that they are trying to get acceptance, and therefore its trending to be gay and have them in shows, but god damn it's not any fun to watch.

Oh yeah and bring the original Rebecca back!
by posted
I have to agree with most recent comments on the show and i think i have to agree but then there's Klaus. Joseph Morgan keeps the show going by himself. I'm kinda annoyed with Rebecca's new body though, i hope she jumps back to her original one soon.
by posted
Well yeah, Dahlia this and drama drama drama + more gay drama - sometimes watching this is like dragging your own corpse through a mountain of boring mud....they need to make something happen and soonish rather than later, bring out Dahlia and lets get some move on for petes sake...
by posted
latitude75 said:
Last episode was actually quite good, and I see it seems like no one else is enjoying this show much anymore?

Sometimes. I have yet to watch the last episode though. While I like some of the characters, I feel the story line isn't great atm.
by posted
Last episode was actually quite good, and I see it seems like no one else is enjoying this show much anymore?
by posted

Yay! This show is better then TVD :) yup. by far
by posted

Yay! This show is better then TVD :)
by posted
by posted
Love you too (although I saw exactly 20 minutes of TVD and one of this, but still).
by posted
mapu said:
Unless you are a preteen girl or that weird cat lady or Orlando, you are not the target audience.