Set 300 years in the future, the series follows the adventures of the Orville, a not-so-top-of-the-line exploratory ship in Earth's interstellar fleet. Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley crew of space explorers will boldly go where no comedic drama has gone before.
Seth McFarland has had some Joss Whedon sized scandals involving women he's worked with over the years.
Considering he dated the lead actress and they broke up, I'm not surprised the show is dying/dead. Also, props to Seth for writing himself into a Star Trek series of his own creation. If that's not as baller a nerd move as it gets I don't know what is.
by TheFizza posted 1 year ago
I read the novella not long ago, The Orville: Sympathy for the Devil and it was both wild and remains very on brand for this spiritual successor toStarTrekofthelastcentury as well as made a fine addition to the OrvilleVerse of stories. If anyone's looking for another episode, it's right there =)
by Reynolds1415 posted 1 year ago
That's really not a good idea. They have a hit show which a lot of people like. I guess Seth McFarland just doesn't want to do it any more he is more interested in his comedy cartoon shows which I have never seen than his popular show The Orville.
by LuC posted 1 year ago
The Orville Season 4...
While there is fan demand and hype around the show, The Orville may not get renewed for a fourth season after all, and there are multiple reasons behind it. Adrian Palicki, the actor behind First Officer Kelly Grayson, has stated that despite all the rumors surrounding the show's fourth season, nothing has been confirmed. Additionally, all the actors from The Orville's cast have been released from their contracts, even lowering the chance for the show to return.
Ignore season 3, and this was a good show that ended before its time.
Season 3 was a train wreck and took likable characters and turned them into narcissistic, meddling monsters. Goodbye to trash.
Wow. While I didn't enjoy the last episode that much, I thought some of the others this season were great.
by techyjack posted 2 years ago
Ignore season 3, and this was a good show that ended before its time.
Season 3 was a train wreck and took likable characters and turned them into narcissistic, meddling monsters. Goodbye to trash.
by merc posted 2 years ago
It is time for the show to go. When it stopped being a parody of Trek it was already over. I hope it is gone. The aspects that made it a parody are now just embarressing eg the robot. Lighton's link about future series depending on viewing numbers is bad reason to have more.
Considering he dated the lead actress and they broke up, I'm not surprised the show is dying/dead. Also, props to Seth for writing himself into a Star Trek series of his own creation. If that's not as baller a nerd move as it gets I don't know what is.
Season 3 was a train wreck and took likable characters and turned them into narcissistic, meddling monsters. Goodbye to trash.
Wow. While I didn't enjoy the last episode that much, I thought some of the others this season were great.
Season 3 was a train wreck and took likable characters and turned them into narcissistic, meddling monsters. Goodbye to trash.
'The Orville' Season 3 finale: Why Season 4 might not happen
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'The Orville' Season 3 finale: Why Season 4 might not happen