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The Pillars of the Earth
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The Pillars of the Earth

Set in twelfth century England, Pillars of the Earth is a tale about love, war and religious strife during the building of the Kingsbridge Cathedral.

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Aired on:
Starz, US
60 min.
4.13/5 (15 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB


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as Waleran
as Prior Philip
as Jack Jackson
as Aliena
as William Hamleigh
as Richard
as Remigius
as Walter


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by posted
Also PotE has Maggie from The Newsroom
by posted
Pillars of the Earth covers 1135-74 while World Without End starts in 1327 and goes to 1361. I found the Pillars of the Earth miniseries tolerable (if only because Ian McShane had a lead role). But I barely got through the first episode of World Without End . Too trite and formulaic, and no actors of McShanes's stature to carry it.

Halo2 said:
It's still set around Kingsbridge but around 150 years later.
by posted
It's still set around Kingsbridge but around 150 years later.
by posted
yep it's a couple of centuries later with some ancestors and stuff.

i'm already at page 120, with that speed i'm gonna finish the book and watch the series in approximately 2 years xD
by posted
I'm guessing it's a squeal in the sense its set in the same world but has nothing to do with the story from Pillars since if I remember right Pillars had a conclusion.
by posted
Spyder23 said:
World Without End just premiered. Orlando? :D
Probably gonna watch it tonight.
by posted
i'm at page 112 of over 1300 pages, so it will take me a while before i'm gonna watch the series O.O
by posted
World Without End just premiered. Orlando? :D
by posted
The Pillars of the Earth sequel - World Without End

Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon (as Petranilla) and Oscar nominees Miranda Richardson (as Mother Cecilia) and Peter Firth (as Earl Roland) have joined the cast of the epic limited series World Without End, the sequel to Pillars of the Earth.
Production is set to begin on Monday, July 11 (Hungary, Austria & Slovakia).

The Book Wiki
by posted
paisley1 said:
I don't know if I said it, but, this miniseries was easily my favorite of the entire year. WAY better storyline than The Pacific....come to think of it, with the exception of the special effects, sets and sound, Pillars was better all around, and I wish it played out John Builder's storyline even more.
