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The Sandman
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The Sandman

Sandman is an adaptation of the acclaimed DC's Vertigo comic book by Neil Gaiman. The story centers on Dream, one of the seven Endless, the rulers of the world of dreams.

The Sandman Next Episode

Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Sandman is available yet.

However, our last information about it is this:

Renewed for Season 2!

Previous Episode

Dream of a Thousand Cats/Calliope
Fri Aug 19, 2022

Show Info

Streams on:
Netflix, US at 3:00 am
50 min.
On Hiatus
4.11/5 (143 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | Official | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as The Corinthian
as Matthew the Raven


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by posted
Isn't it a bit early to act like he has been cancelled already?

Although I have to say that at best it seems like he's a creepy middle aged man. The business with the nanny (who he probably employs) doesn't reflect well.

It's pretty understandable for people and companies not want to associate with people who do these sorts of things. I just wish there wasn't a double standard for people who that but have enough power/money and this sort of stuff needs to be put out in the media before any reactions happen.
by posted

Call me old school and misogynistic, but shouldn't we (heavens forefend!) wait and see if he is convicted or even charged before we pound the burning stake into the ground and start collecting kindling?

What world do you live in?

The way it is supposed to work and the way it really works are totally ass backwards. The slightest accusation and you are history. Thats the culture of today.

Guilty until proven innocent is the new norm.

You can thank social f'n media for this.

I live in a fantasy world where people are innocent until proven guilty and we don't pick our friends based on who they voted for in the last election.

I prefer your world as well. But I am a realist.
by posted

Call me old school and misogynistic, but shouldn't we (heavens forefend!) wait and see if he is convicted or even charged before we pound the burning stake into the ground and start collecting kindling?

What world do you live in?

The way it is supposed to work and the way it really works are totally ass backwards. The slightest accusation and you are history. Thats the culture of today.

Guilty until proven innocent is the new norm.

You can thank social f'n media for this.

I live in a fantasy world where people are innocent until proven guilty and we don't pick our friends based on who they voted for in the last election.
by posted

Call me old school and misogynistic, but shouldn't we (heavens forefend!) wait and see if he is convicted or even charged before we pound the burning stake into the ground and start collecting kindling?

What world do you live in?

The way it is supposed to work and the way it really works are totally ass backwards. The slightest accusation and you are history. Thats the culture of today.

Guilty until proven innocent is the new norm.

You can thank social f'n media for this.
by posted

Call me old school and misogynistic, but shouldn't we (heavens forefend!) wait and see if he is convicted or even charged before we pound the burning stake into the ground and start collecting kindling?
by posted
by posted
... can't remember the detectives being in The Sandman (which i REALLY like and watched 3 times :)) or are they?

But there were "Dead Boy Detectives" in Doom Patrol S03E03 13:45++ :-) - liked them, but they changed the cast, hopefully they're still good...
Look forward to test the show - but since its "DC", i don't expect too much (because imo many/most of all DC-Movies and series are crap and ultracrap - and so little are good and better ones) :o :D :o
by posted
Oh. I guess I should have used my google finger. Still, the trailer looks good!
by posted
TeaAndApathy said:
These are the guys that relinquished their critter to the Sandman, right?

I thought that was Cain and Abel.

Also, you guys got me excited about Season 02 for a moment there!
by posted
These are the guys that relinquished their critter to the Sandman, right?