The Show Must Go On is a darkly comedic murder mystery anthology series. Each season would take place in the days leading up to a big, live, televised event and would tackle a new murder with a refreshed cast.
Season 1 is set behind the scenes during the making of a fictitious version of Lloyd Webber's worldwide mega-hit: The Phantom of The Opera Live! As if putting on a giant, live, beloved musical isn't enough of a challenge, imagine how hard it will be with endless production problems, warring stars, mounting network pressures, and, oh yeah, the gruesome and untimely death of one of the leads. With a murderer on the loose, and a Phantom to contend with, the whole cast and crew will have to come together to put on the greatest show of their lives... that is - if they can live long enough to make it to the final curtain...
The Show Must Go On Next Episode
Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Show Must Go On is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.