The Simpsons is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the Simpsons. It's the longest running animated series in prime time network television.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of The Simpsons is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.
i probably remember it wrong, but i read/heard from somewhere, that they try to make every web page they show on The Simpsons.
well in the latest one the does not open for me at least :P
by GodZionu posted 12 years ago
excellent episode.
by HomerS posted 12 years ago
i liked her song, if she wrote it just for simpsons, then respect
I think this is their naughtiest joke ever.
well in the latest one the does not open for me at least :P