Drama based on Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan's horror trilogy, about a vampiric virus that has infected New York and the battle of mammoth proportions that follows.
Well, interesting development kind of unexpected. I still like the shows...always interesting background.
by DBBromberg posted 8 years ago
I watched season one and was mildly interested. I think that a show that is suppose to be based on real world, how things would go in real life, should show how things would go in real life if something like this where to happen and for that reason season two was so bad I think I watched 2 or 3 episodes before removing it from my watch list, I am surprised it is coming back!
by xrnzaaas posted 9 years ago
I've finally decided to drop the show after watching the third episode. Just can't stand it anymore how they're staying in one place without making any real leaps forward. Also doesn't help that the writing in general comes very close to abysmal (crowd booing and then cheering the dead vamps was the funniest shit ever) and that new Zack is A-W-F-U-L (plus if you've read the books you'll know he'll only get worse ;)).
by scorpius074 posted 9 years ago
2 down, 11 to go...
by Lollie posted 9 years ago
I'm going to keep watching it because the adorable Vasiliy Fet the exterminator has grown on me, and I want to see him win.
by Katy posted 9 years ago
im thinking of dropping this but then I think I liked the books it will get good
by Orlando posted 9 years ago
Glad I left it then.
by xrnzaaas posted 9 years ago
aaand we're back to boring ass episodes
by Lovsan posted 9 years ago
i kinda liked season 1 when the new guys appeared, didnt really like this episode, it was too long and it had too much talking and shit, it should have been 40min episode. more action and so on. i had to fastforward quite alot...
by xrnzaaas posted 9 years ago
First episode of the new season wasn't that bad, but on the other hand the show didn't improve drastically. It's still progressing very slowly... like for example they didn't show the scene yet where Kelly paid Zack a visit and the shots of the fairly peaceful city with some fake CGI smoke were laughable. Still, it was watchable... the feelers' birth and the audience with the Ancients scenes were quite cool.
PS. New actor playing Zack is not a lot better than the old one. The creature makeup so far is uneven... I liked the Ancients makeup, the Master didn't have any bright scenes and the Master from the Sardu flashback scene had a horribly fake skin.
PS. New actor playing Zack is not a lot better than the old one. The creature makeup so far is uneven... I liked the Ancients makeup, the Master didn't have any bright scenes and the Master from the Sardu flashback scene had a horribly fake skin.