this was unbelievably bad.... whoever wrote the "black rose" song and paid people to sing it, should be ashamed of themselves and shunned from the industry. Soo fucking awkward... and the rest of it was so generic and boring i honestly can't really remember it .. 2 out of 10 this actually hurt with cringe to watch, dont watch this... it sucks fat dick.
by Patrician posted 2 years ago
It was not bad I thought; I enjoyed it enough to watch all episodes and was entertained, which is pretty much the whole point I suppose.
Not as good as The Witcher but good enough.
by Taht67 posted 2 years ago
lighton said:
Finished it. Not really a fan of the final episode, but I don't regret watching the show. :)
by lighton posted 2 years ago
Finished it. Not really a fan of the final episode, but I don't regret watching the show. :)
by HomerS posted 2 years ago
Dident hate it, dident love it either, some songs were not bad tho, like
NETFLIX which, as a rule, just hasn't been able to produced more than a dozen OK-ish (at best) shows/movies.
Yeah, it's surprising how few awesome shows they have.
Not just how few shows are good but also how often they cancel series which seem to have the potential to be more than just OK... it's getting to the point where I don't want to watch a series on NETFLIX until it's complete otherwise I may find myself watching another unresolvable cliffhanger like with I Am Not Okay With This :|
by lighton posted 2 years ago
TheFizza said:
All I kept hearing was this was a terrible series, but it wasn't that bad...
After having now watched half of the show I agree: I find it totally watchable, with some good action and humor! Maybe because I've watched with zero expectations, who knows... :D
TheFizza said:
NETFLIX which, as a rule, just hasn't been able to produced more than a dozen OK-ish (at best) shows/movies.
Yeah, it's surprising how few awesome shows they have.
by TheFizza posted 2 years ago
All I kept hearing was this was a terrible series, but it wasn't that bad... Especially considering the series it spun off from. It wasn't as good as the animated movie but that flick was actually waaay better than the Witcher so it would've been hard to get to that level, at least for NETFLIX which, as a rule, just hasn't been able to produced more than a dozen OK-ish (at best) shows/movies. Seriously 20th Century Fox was producing more reliable content when they were bought by Disney :cool:
by merc posted 2 years ago
dominar said:
I agree with the rating, im sorry that i kept watching... :s
That dwarf character was so awful her lines were trash
I wont say what I think or this could start a **** war
It's almost as if you can ignore IMDB ratings :rolleyes:
Hehe... It's not perfect, but works well for me most of the time. :)
bvereshagen said:
Even more baffling was the handful of 10/10 ratings.
Those might be partially hardcore Witcher fans (who love everything Witcher) and partially folks who want to raise the average by voting higher than they really liked it. :)
Not as good as The Witcher but good enough.
The Echo and the River · Bear McCreary:
Yeah, it's surprising how few awesome shows they have.
Not just how few shows are good but also how often they cancel series which seem to have the potential to be more than just OK... it's getting to the point where I don't want to watch a series on NETFLIX until it's complete otherwise I may find myself watching another unresolvable cliffhanger like with I Am Not Okay With This :|
After having now watched half of the show I agree: I find it totally watchable, with some good action and humor! Maybe because I've watched with zero expectations, who knows... :D
Yeah, it's surprising how few awesome shows they have.
That dwarf character was so awful her lines were trash
I wont say what I think or this could start a **** war
It's almost as if you can ignore IMDB ratings :rolleyes:
Hehe... It's not perfect, but works well for me most of the time. :)
Those might be partially hardcore Witcher fans (who love everything Witcher) and partially folks who want to raise the average by voting higher than they really liked it. :)