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Triangle (2019)
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Triangle (2019)

Triangle posits the question, what if the Bermuda Triangle was not a watery grave in the middle of the ocean but a land lost in time that has trapped travelers over the course of human history? When a family is shipwrecked in this strange land, they must band together with a group of like-minded inhabitants - from throughout history - to survive and somehow find a way home.

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Aired on:
45 min.
Canceled, Never Aired
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by posted
I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's a complex business that requires a lot of accommodations with several involved parties. Stuff like this happens all the time. A ton of shows get ordered and nine months later a fraction of them make it to television, if that. Most projects just never pan out. Some come across a creative impasse, some deal with troubled production, some get shopped around, some stay stuck in development hell, and some end up vanishing into thin air, never to be heard from ever again. Some of these projects that are in their mid-stages, stewing in limbo soup, are not officially cancelled, but work on them slows down to point where time seems to stand still. Meanwhile, for people like you and me, we're sitting here in present town wondering WTF happened to these shows several years later.
by posted
lighton said:
Doesn't this just mean the production company can now try to sell it to others?

I guess you are right. I forget that stuff like that is happening more frequently these days. Even shows moving networks like Brooklyn 99 did.
by posted
Doesn't this just mean the production company can now try to sell it to others?

P.S.: When you are sure that a project was totally cancelled, you can send santah a PM so the status gets changed. Those who added a show to the watchlist won't all check the forums.
by posted
In case anyone had this on their watchlist:It's apparently never going to air. Just came across this: