V Wars revolves around Dr. Luther Swann, who enters a world of horror when a mysterious disease transforms his best friend, Michael Fayne, into a murderous predator who feeds on other humans. As the disease spreads and more people are transformed, society fractures into opposing camps pitting normal people against the growing number of these vampires. Swann races against time to understand what's happening, while Fayne rises to become the powerful underground leader of the vampires.
I ended up watching all of season 1 but rated it just a 6/10 @ IMDb. The show had potential but suffered from budget restrictions and the acting wasn't always convincing.
It's a ton less frivolous than Vampire Diaries and so on, has a touch of cheesiness/weirdness as from shows that have silly monster transformations (can't remember name of show I'm thinking of) but without being overly stupid, and I don't hate the kid or resent the amount of screen time devoted to the kid (the kid thankfully hasn't been made the focus of show).
Thanks for your initial review. The show got a good rating here, the IMDb rating is a bit weird but mostly ok, so I'll check it out some day! :)
by Lollie posted 4 years ago
This show is actually not too bad.
It's a ton less frivolous than Vampire Diaries and so on, has a touch of cheesiness/weirdness as from shows that have silly monster transformations (can't remember name of show I'm thinking of) but without being overly stupid, and I don't hate the kid or resent the amount of screen time devoted to the kid (the kid thankfully hasn't been made the focus of show).
by lighton posted 4 years ago
Watchlists: 1752
V Wars revolves around Dr. Luther Swann, who enters a world of horror when a mysterious disease transforms his best friend, Michael Fayne, into a murderous predator who feeds on other humans. As the disease spreads and more people are transformed, society fractures into opposing camps pitting normal people against the growing number of these vampires. Swann races against time to understand what's happening, while Fayne rises to become the powerful underground leader of the vampires.
I ended up watching all of season 1 but rated it just a 6/10 @ IMDb. The show had potential but suffered from budget restrictions and the acting wasn't always convincing.
You don't seem to be alone. :) https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22v%20wars%22 :
Yeah, figured this was one for the masses :3
You don't seem to be alone. :) https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22v%20wars%22 :
It's a ton less frivolous than Vampire Diaries and so on, has a touch of cheesiness/weirdness as from shows that have silly monster transformations (can't remember name of show I'm thinking of) but without being overly stupid, and I don't hate the kid or resent the amount of screen time devoted to the kid (the kid thankfully hasn't been made the focus of show).
Thanks for your initial review. The show got a good rating here, the IMDb rating is a bit weird but mostly ok, so I'll check it out some day! :)
It's a ton less frivolous than Vampire Diaries and so on, has a touch of cheesiness/weirdness as from shows that have silly monster transformations (can't remember name of show I'm thinking of) but without being overly stupid, and I don't hate the kid or resent the amount of screen time devoted to the kid (the kid thankfully hasn't been made the focus of show).
Hopefully it'll be at least "average good". :)