The show is set amidst a wave of violent animal attacks sweeping across the planet. A young renegade scientist is thrust into a race to unlock the mystery behind this pandemic before time runs out for animals and humans alike.
If rats had elbows just imagine all the jostling and shoving going on in there. Surprised one of them didn't walk out reading the newspaper.
by Lollie posted 9 years ago
Okay, so this Mother Cell - if it works as they say to speed up positive evolution to make the animals stronger, better, fitter - can't we just use it on us humans too, and make us even more awesome, winning the fight once again.
Also it's very cute how Dr Morgan thinks he's so clever he can find a cure for evolution :3
"Yes - we'll just immunise against DNA mutations, let me just mix up a fresh batch of anti mother cell."...yep, classic zoodoscience (pseudoscience).
Heh okay just be aware the only comedy is in your own head. They are playing it straight and haven't yet realised they're making a comedy show ;)
After 5 episodes, I'm keeping it. There are a few quirks and the time is going very fast (moving from places to places very quickly) but it brings (for once) something a bit fresh.
Glad you like it, I watch it for the inadvertent humour :3
First Chloe the straight guy, now the heckler Mitch
^Alas, poor Yorick!...
...wait - we traded a quality heckler for a spoilt crying child and a sooky dribbling dog? These guys better be good.
I wonder if elephants invented the portaloo could it even be called a "porta" loo? Would be like assembling the pyramids all over.
^they see me rollin', they hatin'
"hey oh no animals everywhere halp halp what should we do?"
^oh I dunno, maybe reverse the car and drive away?
As an aside you'd think the streets would be more pooped in, what with those animals running loose all over the place and everything.
Its very preachy and for a premise So silly, plays it way too straight.
Leopards invade a hospital!
^oh come on...that's why we invented doors
^rat elevator aka how rats learned to use buttons and magically knew what floor the humans were on
If rats had elbows just imagine all the jostling and shoving going on in there. Surprised one of them didn't walk out reading the newspaper.
Also it's very cute how Dr Morgan thinks he's so clever he can find a cure for evolution :3
"Yes - we'll just immunise against DNA mutations, let me just mix up a fresh batch of anti mother cell."...yep, classic zoodoscience (pseudoscience).
Heh okay just be aware the only comedy is in your own head. They are playing it straight and haven't yet realised they're making a comedy show ;)
After 5 episodes, I'm keeping it. There are a few quirks and the time is going very fast (moving from places to places very quickly) but it brings (for once) something a bit fresh.
Glad you like it, I watch it for the inadvertent humour :3