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Hand of God
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Hand of God

The series centers on the powerful Judge Harris Pernell, a hard-living, law-bending married man with a high-end call girl on the side who has a religious awakening and starts having visions and hearing voices through his ventilator-bound son that could be God speaking to him.

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55 min.
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3.5/5 (8 ratings)
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as Judge Pernell Harris
as Jocelyn Harris
as Robert "Bobo" Boston
as Crystal Harris
as Alicia Hopkins
as KD Dennison
as Reverend Paul Curtis
as Tessie Graham
as Shane Caldwell


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by posted
Well hard to get past a guy lying on a bed in a coma for depressing subjects, but he's only used as the focal point of the father's delusions. I think the characters were better for being basically normal people...remember the father is a judge, and used to being in control. He actually thinks what he's seeing is real, and that he really is being chosen, because he's used to his version of reality being accepted by everyone around him and generally being in control of everyone around him. It's your standard delusional x1000 because of this.

No spoilers in this btw^ it's all spelled out in the premise already.

I didn't find it at all depressing though, I found it compelling - the story just keeps moving on and made me want to see the next episode. I'm not a morbid person though, guess people see what they can in things.

This is an awesome series anyway.
by posted
Well i dont know what to think of this show. Its Bood. Lots of bad, lots of Good. I liked the characters, but feel they could have been more...over the top. That would have helped a bit.

The story is also servicable.

I would however say that this show may not be good for people who are nuts, lots of reinforcements for delusions in this show. Also on paper, its a VERY depressing show. I watched it while being in quite a good mood so it didnt affect me.

So all in all? i guess its safe to skip.
by posted
I think it will help you pass the time nicely :) Let me know how it goes.
by posted
It's a long haul flight, so I'm hoping to get it watched on the flights either way. I did that last year or the year before with Orange is the New Black.
by posted
It's very watchable, easy to marathon, and you'll want to know what happens next.
by posted
I was thinking about giving this a go. Need a show to watch while I'm on holiday by the pool. :cool:
by posted

The series centers on the powerful Judge Harris Pernell, a hard-living, law-bending married man with a high-end call girl on the side who has a religious awakening and starts having visions and hearing voices through his ventilator-bound son that could be God speaking to him.

Click here ---> Hand of God

Awesome show, like an extended episode of Perception except so many more times better (fantastic acting, script, plot, characters, settings).

I marathonned this over a few days and thoroughly enjoyed it...don't be put off by the religious references, they're just vehicles for the story, which is brilliant.