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Lessons in Chemistry
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Lessons in Chemistry

Series based on the upcoming debut novel from author, science editor, and copywriter Bonnie Garmus. Set in the early 1960s, "Lessons in Chemistry" follows Elizabeth Zott, whose dream of being a scientist is put on hold in a society deeming that women belong in the domestic sphere, not the professional one.

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45 min.
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4.14/5 (58 ratings)
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as Elizabeth Zott
as Harriet Slone
as Calvin Evans
as Fran Frask
as Curtis Wakely


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by posted
scushman said:
I loved it also. I was sad when it ended

Maybe there are more book ripe for adaptation :cool:
by posted
I loved it also. I was sad when it ended
by posted
Just caught up on this... it was an excellent series.

Hadn't even realized it was based on a book that's on my Goodreads 'To Read' list until the last ep where I finally noticed the "based on" credits. When I checked the app I found it had been an accepted 'suggestion' from a friend a few years ago.
by posted
Moze said:
POC and women have been the ones f-ed with. If you can't watch a show depicting that without getting offended do not watch it! ( I am a white woman)

I dont get offended by race or sex. Just tired of the focus on it. I only want a compelling story without any current day political motives hidden behind it.

And the struggles of the 60s is compelling, not the whining in today's society. That's why I was asking.

I'm with Moze on this one.
by posted
scushman said:
POC and women have been the ones f-ed with. If you can't watch a show depicting that without getting offended do not watch it! ( I am a white woman)

I dont get offended by race or sex. Just tired of the focus on it. I only want a compelling story without any current day political motives hidden behind it.

And the struggles of the 60s is compelling, not the whining in today's society. That's why I was asking.
by posted
I agree with you, Busterthedoggie! What is wrong with a person of color and/or woman or standing up or being a role model? I love it and me thinks someone is a tad bit racist/ misogynist making a comment about these actresses and shows are about fuck the white man. POC and women have been the ones f-ed with. If you can't watch a show depicting that without getting offended do not watch it! ( I am a white woman)
by posted
I worry about the whiney white kids my kids produced. Its a real damn shame when a person of color or a woman just stands up and says "hey I would like to see a hero I can relate to also" and it becomes a screw the white man post by... eh not many future Recon Jack's in this batch me thinks
by posted
merc said:
Kinda want to try it out, but seeing brie larson in the cast worries me if this is another "fuck the white man" type of show.
Could i still enjoy this show if i'm not a big fan of brie larson or any of the hollywood bs?

eh what have you against her? She did a brilliant job with "Captain Marvel"

Well, her interviews promoting the movie didn't go so brilliant imo.
by posted
Moze said:
Kinda want to try it out, but seeing brie larson in the cast worries me if this is another "fuck the white man" type of show.
Could i still enjoy this show if i'm not a big fan of brie larson or any of the hollywood bs?

eh what have you against her? She did a brilliant job with "Captain Marvel"
by posted
Kinda want to try it out, but seeing brie larson in the cast worries me if this is another "fuck the white man" type of show.
Could i still enjoy this show if i'm not a big fan of brie larson or any of the hollywood bs?