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One Punch Man Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Return of the Hero
2The Human Monster
3The Hunt Begins
4The Metal Bat
5The Martial Arts Tournament
6The Monster Uprising
7The Class S Heroes
8The Resistance of the Strong
9The Troubles of the Strongest
10Justice Under Siege
11The Varieties of Pride
12The Wiping of the Disciple’s Butt
SpecialA Super Serious Look Back!
SpecialSaitama and the Mediocre Gang
SpecialFishing With the Old Boys
SpecialGenos and Amnesia
SpecialGames and Rivals
SpecialPuri-Puri Prisoner and the Jailbreak
SpecialThe Murder Case That Is Just Too Impossible 2: Snowed-in Heroes and the Mountain Retreat