Somewhere Between is a thriller drama series with a supernatural twist based on a Korean format which centers on Laura Price. She isn't crazy: She knows her daughter Serena is going to be murdered. She doesn't know who the murderer is or why she'll be killed, but she knows exactly when it will happen, where and how. Despite this, all of her attempts to keep her daughter safe fail, and Serena's fixed, unmovable, terrifying fate keeps her directly in the path of her killer.
I hope they all die. The kid sucks. The husband sucks. The wife sucks. The only people I care about is the family messed up by the sucky kid/husband/wife combo.
by PoxyLoxy posted 7 years ago
Don't bother wasting your life on this pile of cack, it's an hour of my life I'm never getting back.
I stuck with it through the first episode but the bratty over acting of the kid and the truly horrific performance of the actress playing the mother and her extremely annoying breathy voice will mean consigning this series to the scrapheap. Let's hope someone puts it out of it's misery soon.
It's a real shame as the concept if great, it's just the cast which let it down.
I stuck with it through the first episode but the bratty over acting of the kid and the truly horrific performance of the actress playing the mother and her extremely annoying breathy voice will mean consigning this series to the scrapheap. Let's hope someone puts it out of it's misery soon.
It's a real shame as the concept if great, it's just the cast which let it down.