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In Continuum, a cop from 2077 goes back to 2012 to catch terrorists who time-traveled to evade execution. But the past is not what she expected.

As she struggles to adapt to the past, she must also fight for justice while navigating political intrigue and personal relationships.

Show Info

Aired on:
Showcase, Canada
45 min.
Created by:
4.03/5 (92 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Kiera Cameron
as Carlos Fonnegra
as Alec Sadler
as Matthew Kellog
as Lucas Ingram
as Sonya Valentine
as Travis Verta
as Jasmine Garza
as Brad Tonkin


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by posted
Gargamel said:
Meh...anyone else notice.....

At the end she didn't give Alec the note from his son, Jason. Why put it in there if you aren't going to include it? Just something that bothered me.


There was no need. At the time they send her off, nobody really knew to which time she will go back to. Since she came back in the same timeline alec was still the "same" so he would obviously know what he had written.
by posted
Might have been something they planned to use in season 5, just in case there was a season five. Then again it might have just been sloppy editing.
by posted
Gargamel said:
Meh...anyone else notice.....

At the end she didn't give Alec the note from his son, Jason. Why put it in there if you aren't going to include it? Just something that bothered me.

I have always felt that little things like this are just assumed to happen after the episode. Obviously main character priorities will always take screen time priority over a secondary character.

Overall it was a good show, I enjoyed it. I am just glad they gave it good ending.
by posted
Meh...anyone else notice.....

At the end she didn't give Alec the note from his son, Jason. Why put it in there if you aren't going to include it? Just something that bothered me.
by posted
I'm actually glad that his ended. I started to hate that 53 year old emo kid...
by posted
I liked it. It was definitely better than I thought would have been. The final 2 episodes were pretty much action packed all the way through. It wasn't the most amazing show. But I stuck by it, while many other shows i gave up on after a season. I'm a sucker for time travel.
by posted
Indeed, a well done finale. Following the show required some effort when they got deep into time travel paradoxes but they recovered from that and finished nicely. Showrunners are increasingly making an effort to do this. Did you also note the thank you to the "loyal fans" in the end credits? I know, it's a Canadian show but still the fans are getting more respect in general. There is hope.
by posted
Really cool series finale. Not many liked this one but in a a world without filled a niche close to my heart. A contemporary Sci-Fi Show that will be dearly missed.

The CGI could have been better...but just nitpicking.
by posted
You all should be in this thread confessing ---> Who else watches terrible shows...
by posted
Well, We got Fallout style Powerarmor....what are you complaining about?