Takuma Sakamoto is an ordinary human who is mysteriously transported by the world of his favourite MMORPG, "Cross Reverie" with the appearance of his own character in the game, the Demon Lord Diablo. The two young girls who summoned him, the pantherian Rem and the elf Shera, attempt to use a spell to make Takuma their servant, but the spell rebounds, and both end up with magic collars stuck in their necks, thus becoming his slaves instead. With a serious case of social anxiety, Takuma decides to act like his character while interacting with others, and makes use of his high stats and vast knowledge of Cross Reverie's lore to survive in his new environment, traveling along Rem and Shera to look for a way to remove their slave collars while helping them with their own, personal issues that led them to summon him in the first place.
Also known as: Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
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The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.