A post-apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, telling the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost.
Wasn't THAT bad when I binged it.
A nice drama IMHO
You've probably ended up here, like me, due to the Sci-Fi categoriation
by g371 posted 2 years ago
graybags said:
I liked 1x1, and then... What? It's suddenly all about a troupe performing Shakespeare, in a post-apocalyptic world? Seriously? That's the premise? Could they have thought up a more dull premise? Oh, dear God.
I suspected something shady coming, jumped forward to check random scenes, saw that artsy angle, bye :D
by lighton posted 2 years ago
Yeah... I decided to stop watching the show, at least for now. But I doubt that I'll return.
by graybags posted 2 years ago
I liked 1x1, and then... What? It's suddenly all about a troupe performing Shakespeare, in a post-apocalyptic world? Seriously? That's the premise? Could they have thought up a more dull premise? Oh, dear God.
by lighton posted 2 years ago
graybags said:
Just finished this. Can I have that 600 minutes back please? Whatever I did, I promise I won't do it again.
Yeah, 1x2 wasn't too hot...
by graybags posted 2 years ago
Just finished this. Can I have that 600 minutes back please? Whatever I did, I promise I won't do it again.
by mtholden posted 2 years ago
Think I'm going to drop watching this one. Toughed it out until Episode 4. Way too slow and the storyline is getting extremely boring.
by xzeal posted 2 years ago
This show went from: Episode 1: "the world is coming to an end, what are we going to do" to Episode 2 "Lets do Shakespeare, with emotional drama and replace all the cool stuff and characters from Episode 1 with boring ones you do not actually care about."
by g371 posted 2 years ago
HomerS said:
1x01 was great but 1x02, 1x03 were a bit too uninteresting/slow for me, gonna continue for now but not sure if i'll stay.
Same here, E01 was good and promising, dropped this in the middle of 2nd ep.
A nice drama IMHO
You've probably ended up here, like me, due to the Sci-Fi categoriation
I suspected something shady coming, jumped forward to check random scenes, saw that artsy angle, bye :D
Yeah, 1x2 wasn't too hot...
Same here, E01 was good and promising, dropped this in the middle of 2nd ep.