The series is set in 1980 Hawkins, Indiana where a young boy vanishes into thin air.
As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl.
Saw an interview with the brothers saying they expected S5 to have shorter episodes but another long movie finale. Then again they also said they didn't go into S4 intending to have the episodes that long.
by misfitnz posted 2 years ago
I think that they're milking it too long. I was disappointed when the primary antagonist wasn't defeated at the end of season 4 - the whole season watched like a prequel to season 5 and felt like a waste of > 10 hours of my time.
Sunken cost fallacy means I'll probably watch season 5 but I could take it or leave it at this point.
Edit: To be clear I was a big fan of seasons 1 and 2 but think that it's being dragged out too much now.
by graybags posted 2 years ago
I really enjoyed it. Bring on season 5.
by TheFizza posted 2 years ago
As seems the case with each season, it took a long time to get there but the result was an interesting (over all) story. I'm rather excited to see how it all wraps up.
by mrverene posted 2 years ago
Finished s4. Feels like a weaker season but I'm not sure that's not just the episode lengths. It really is a different experience. In the finale when "Two Days Later" pops up it feels like a gross underestimation.
by Rocky_Rock_Rockbottom posted 2 years ago
paisley1 said:
Season 4, I could not get into. I stopped watching episode 404 I think, but gahhhhh, what drudgery.
That's odd, part way through ep 4 is exactly where I gave up on the whole thing too. Took about 3 goes trying to sit through the episode before I realised I'm just sitting through this like it's a chore.
Maybe will tune in for the finale when presumably 11 will have her powers back and will go full Carrie-mode again.
by mrverene posted 2 years ago
I liked it at my speed but the episodes were way too long. Can't imagine someone used to marathoning the seasons being as engaged as usual.
Side note I saw a googlestion this week saying that "Running Up That Hill" had hit #8 on the US charts, which is quite a bit higher than it ever was when it was a single. Glad to see Kate Bush is getting some well-deserved royalties :D
by graybags posted 2 years ago
paisley1 said:
Season 4, I could not get into. I stopped watching episode 404 I think, but gahhhhh, what drudgery. Season 3 was great, but this season I just don't care what happens to them, it's like watching Degrassi. Now I'm just hoping they all die, roll credits, thee end. :lol:
Weird, I'm really enjoying this season. Well, the half of that has aired so far.
by paisley1 posted 2 years ago
Season 4, I could not get into. I stopped watching episode 404 I think, but gahhhhh, what drudgery. Season 3 was great, but this season I just don't care what happens to them, it's like watching Degrassi. Now I'm just hoping they all die, roll credits, thee end. :lol:
by fassy posted 2 years ago
Yeah, Max rocks.... she's definitely grown on me and in my opinion one of the real strong characters by now.
Sunken cost fallacy means I'll probably watch season 5 but I could take it or leave it at this point.
Edit: To be clear I was a big fan of seasons 1 and 2 but think that it's being dragged out too much now.
That's odd, part way through ep 4 is exactly where I gave up on the whole thing too. Took about 3 goes trying to sit through the episode before I realised I'm just sitting through this like it's a chore.
Maybe will tune in for the finale when presumably 11 will have her powers back and will go full Carrie-mode again.
Side note I saw a googlestion this week saying that "Running Up That Hill" had hit #8 on the US charts, which is quite a bit higher than it ever was when it was a single. Glad to see Kate Bush is getting some well-deserved royalties :D
Weird, I'm really enjoying this season. Well, the half of that has aired so far.