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Harry's Law
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Harry's Law

Harriet, Matthew and Malcolm are three people from completely different walks of life. They are brought together through fate and decide to start a law practice together based out of a rundown shoe store.

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Aired on:
60 min.
Created by:
2/5 (2 ratings)
More Info:
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as Harriet 'Harry' Korn
as Adam Branch
as Jenna Backstrom
as Malcolm Davies
as Tommy Jefferson
as Cassie Reynolds
as Oliver "Ollie" Richard
as Phoebe Blake


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by posted
Watched the last four episodes in a row and I'll miss it. :( It wasn't a quality law series like "The Good Wife" but was highly enjoyable. I really liked how they took controversial themes of the law and ran with it. And the main crew, them I'll miss the most.
by posted
by posted
by posted
I loved Harry's Law since the start, maybe living in Cincinnati helped that. But the new episodes are disappointing. The new upstairs crowded office is confusing. They should have stayed in the shoe store!
Too many characters makes it a chore to follow who's who!
by posted
It get's a lot of total viewers for NBC, so that's probably why.
by posted
NBC can always surprise you. I was almost sure that this thread was refreshed to inform about HL's cancellation. :)
by posted
NBC has ordered six additional scripts for the Kathy Bates' 'Harry's Law.' This brings the Season 2 episode total to 19.
by posted
Great three episodes with a great mini story arc. Too bad, that the ratings are poor as hell. :(
by posted
Seeing Mark Valley will always make me weep tears in rememberence of Human Target.
New theme sucks ass.
Tommy Jefferson is a new, better Tommy Jefferson. Though that might now seem possible, it surely is. A Tommy Jefferson, of tomorrow!
Brittany Snow (and Aml Ameen) are still in the show, but very briefly as recurring characters.
The episode itself was ok, want more.
by posted
So... What do you think? What do you think? How's the show with the changed cast? Is it good? Is it good?