This show follows Reverend Jesse Custer, a small-town Texas minister on the verge of losing his faith when he merges with a spiritual force called Genesis - making him more mighty than the Almighty. Able to command the obedience of those who hear his words and joined by his gun-toting girlfriend Tulip and the hard-drinking Irish vampire Cassidy, Custer begins a violent journey across the country in search of answers from a disenfranchised God.
Love the show! Haven't started the last season yet, but totally enjoyed season 3! Trying not to add a spoiler here, but the church guy and the laboratory tests... soooo fucked up! :D :D
by Suasor posted 5 years ago
I read the comix way back when and I though the TV adaptation was pretty good.
by some_one posted 5 years ago
It ended after 4 seasons.
It got really weird as it went on, but I think the ending it got is a rare case of a really satisfying conclusion to the story.
Anybody else been watching this?
by cecilb666 posted 8 years ago
benroberts10 said:
Was not happy about last nights episode in the fact that it didn't answer any questions about what's important. Don't get me wrong I still thoroughly enjoyed it but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere story wise. Only one episode left this season which could be it for the show if it doesn't get picked up for renewal (which i'm PRAYING it does lol) and i'm pretty sure there will still be unanswered questions by then too.
I believe it was renewed for a full run second season already.
by benroberts10 posted 8 years ago
Was not happy about last nights episode in the fact that it didn't answer any questions about what's important. Don't get me wrong I still thoroughly enjoyed it but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere story wise. Only one episode left this season which could be it for the show if it doesn't get picked up for renewal (which i'm PRAYING it does lol) and i'm pretty sure there will still be unanswered questions by then too.
by MeDumbDuck posted 8 years ago
a Great series from a great comic. Excellent cast, nice storytelling and all in all compelling atmosphere.
by HomerS posted 8 years ago
I'm really enjoying it so far.
by pwiggler posted 8 years ago
i'm really enjoying it .. characters are great and well acted.
by kaas posted 8 years ago
benroberts10 said:
Just wondering if anyone's been watching this, its defiantly got potential and so far been top notch imo :)
At least there's still ... :cool: And maybe - I've only watched 1x1 so far, which was good!
It got really weird as it went on, but I think the ending it got is a rare case of a really satisfying conclusion to the story.
Anybody else been watching this?
I believe it was renewed for a full run second season already.
Apparently, yes: